The stock market gained 9 points on Tuesday and lost 56 points on Wednesday. It had closed on Monday at 2512 points. Where did the market close on Wednesday?

A: 2577 points
B: 2465 points
C: 2447 points
D: 2559 points

Need this answered quick please

Respuesta :

So i do believe if you just do 2512+9
This gives you 2521. Since on wednesday it lost 56 pts, subtract 56 from 2521.
This gives you 2465. I'm pretty sure this'll be your answer :D
First add were going to add, so  9 + 2,512 = 2,521 

Then we're going to take away the 56 points that were lost so, 2,521 - 56 = 2,465

There's your answer 2,465