
Imagine you are an exchange student living in Pamplona. While you are in Pamplona, you are in charge of creating a 3-month event calendar using vocabulary about everyday activities, dates and months, and days of the week.

The answer doesn't need to be in spanish, I'm just not sure how to do this so if someone could give me pointers that'd be great. 

Respuesta :

If you want you can say that the first day in Pamplona you went to the local town and the date was a August/1/2017 and it was Tuesday and you saw the shops here is the spanish version on what i just said.En el primer dia che estuve en Pamplona y fui a la ciudad central y la fecha del dia er el primer dia de Agosto y el ano era 2017 y vi las tiendas de la ciudad municipal.......Hope this helps have a good day