Respuesta :
nurse should be aware that Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood and
blood products, because they strongly believe in not ingesting blood in
any form. A patient's beliefs and principles of life should be honored
and the patient should be allowed to decide if he or she wants a
transfusion or not. Making a decision on behalf of the patient that is
against the patient's life principles or religious practices may
significantly affect his or her spiritual well-being and purpose of
life. The patient's family may be consulted, but the patient should be
allowed to participate in decision making. No blood components, not even
red blood cells, are accepted by Jehovah's Witnesses.
Do not administer blood. Confirm their religious beliefs by asking family members and checking to see if they carry the NO BLOOD card with them. This card is approved to provide legal argument cases against the hospital and the blood administer. Also if the patient is an extended stay and holidays roll around the corner, do not give them activities and decor that are holiday themed. This will be showing consideration to them and they will greatly appreciate it.