
If the partial pressure of nitrogen in the human body is approximately 593 mm hg at sea level, the partial pressure of nitrogen cannot be ______________ in a scuba diver that is at a depth of 30 feet.

Respuesta :

If the partial pressure of nitrogen in the human body is approximately 593 mm hg at sea level, the partial pressure of nitrogen cannot be 760mm Hg in a scuba diver that is at a depth of 30 feet.

Nitrogen narcosis :

The partial pressure of nitrogen increases with pressure, which produces a narcotic effect. Nitrogen narcosis affects both scuba divers and free divers. It causes depression of the central nervous system, which leads to feelings of euphoria, disorientation and irrational behavior. Divers need to consider absorption rates of different gases in order to avoid conditions such as nitrogen narcosis, and decompression sickness.

What is the partial pressure of the nitrogen?

Therefore, at sea level, where atmospheric pressure is known to be 760 mm Hg, the partial pressures of the various gases can be estimated to have partial pressures of approximately 593 mm Hg for nitrogen, 160 mm Hg for oxygen, and 7.6 mm Hg for argon.

Learn more about nitrogen partial pressure :