Read the following passage and choose the suitable heading

________ In this essay on computer, we will discuss computers, their role in our lives, and useful things. In this modern era, computers have become significant to fulfil all the needs. Right from knowing about the meaning of a word to ordering food or purchasing a cloth, computers are helpful entirely. In every field like designing, educational, medicine, hospitality, defence, agriculture, etc., computers are highly appreciated.

1. • Components of computers

2. Working of a Computer


_______ A computer is an electronic machine. It is used to process information by taking raw data, keep it safely until needs, crushes it as required, and finally ensures the results. This process has different names such as; • When the information is taken, it is known as Input. • When the information is stored, it is known as Memory. • When it is chewed or split, it is known as Processing.
• When results come, it is known as output

1. • Types of Computers
2. • Components of computers
3. • working of a computer