The Divine Right to Occupy the Land audience

The Bible says: “I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and I will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more.”
The settling of a people in this or that country is the Lord’s decision.
Now, God makes room for a people in three ways: First, He drives out the heathens before them by waging war on the inhabitants.
Second, He gives a foreign people favor in the eyes of any native people to come and sit down with them.
Third, He makes a country empty of inhabitants where the people will live. Where there is an empty place, the sons of Adam and Noah are free to come and live there, and they neither need to buy it nor ask permission.

Historical context-
Point of view -
Outside information-

Respuesta :

Answer: Identifying the 'Historical Context' places the document within broader trends which are contemporary to the source. It might also connect the document across time to earlier and later eras, or across space to events happening in different places. Authors aim what they write to particular groups of people.