Hey bro I don't know such programs to write but I have number guessing game. Here:
Explanation: Built with python......
import random
while True:
x = True
while x:
num = input("type a limiting number ")
if num.isdigit():
print("lets play")
num = int(num)
meow = False
print("Invalid input! Try agian.")
secret = random.randint(1, num)
guess = None
count = 1
while guess != secret:
guess = input("Please guess a number between 1 and " + str(num) + ":")
if guess.isdigit():
guess = int(guess)
if guess == secret:
print("You guessed correctly!")
print("Oops wrong answer!! Try again..")
count += 1
print("it took you", count, "guesses", )