Seven letters of the alphabet are used to name notes in music. A,B,C,D,E,F,G.Musical notes are written on and between five parallel lines called a staff.The Treble clef or G clef is used for violin music. It also is used by the viola and cello when the notes are in a higher range than the tenor and bass clefs.The Alto clef is the most frequently used clef in viola music. Notice how the clef curves in the middle to point to the note middle C.The Bass clef (or F clef) is the most frequently used clef in cello music. The two dots surround the line F.The Tenor clef is used for cello music with notes in a range higher than notes found in the bass clef. The middle pointer of this clef points to middle C (the second line from the top of the staff).Memory tip for notes written on these lines using the alto clef: use each note as the first letter of the words in the sentence Fat Alley Cats Eat Garbage.Memory tip for notes written in the spaces: use each note as the first letter of the words in the sentence Green Birds Do Fly.That is the answer that I have another question just let me know