
Write the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense then translate the form

Write the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense then translate the form class=

Respuesta :


1) yo oí- I heard  

3) él jugó- he heard

4) él leyó- he read

5) yo pesqué- I fished

6) nosotros buscamos- we looked

7) yo toqué- I touched

8) yo tuvé- i had

9) nosotros dimos- we gave

10) yo hicé- I did

11) ellos fueron- they went

12) yo llegué- I arrived

13) tu dijisté- you said

14) ella limpio- she cleaned

15) ellos vieron- they saw

16) nosotros gozamos- we enjoyed

18) yo salí- I went out

19) ellos descansaron- they rested

20) yo almorzé- I had lunch

21) tu fuiste- you went

22) el estuvo- he was

Spanish from Spain