Respuesta :


Epliglottis-Flap of tissue that is beneath the tongue at the back of the throat.It closes over the Windpipe (Trachea)while your eating to prevent food from going to your air way to help you breathe while eating and not get food there. Mechanical- Tissue and I think air way;( Chemical-I believe food I am not for sure I'm sorry:(

Esophagus- Its a muscular tub connected to your pharynx to your stomach.Food goes through it to go to your stomach to be digested.

Mechanical-Pharnyx and Stomach Chemical- Food? I am sorry if I am wrong I don't know really this part

Stomach-It is a muscular organ in the upper part of the abdomen. It is part of the digestive system connecting to the mouth to the rear end. Mechanical- Abdomen and digestive system Chemical- Acid thats in the stomach I think.

Duodenum-The first part of the small intestines.It is in between the stomach and middle part of the small intestines.After the foods go through the acid they go to the Duodenum and mix with Bile from the gallbladder and digestive juices from the pancreas.

Mechanical-Small intestines,Gallbladder,and Pancreas.Chemical-Bile and Digestive Juices.

Liver-The liver digests foods and gets rid of toxic substances.It is also an organ.It is under the rib cage on the right side of your abdomen.Mechanical- Abdomen? Chemical- Food and Toxic substances.

GallBladder- The gallbladder stores Bile,that breaks down fatty foods for your body.It is a pouch like organ in the upper right part of the stomach. Mechanical-Stomach? Chemical-Bile and Fatty Foods?

Pancreas-It is a long flattened gland.It is a important role in the digestive system.It is a critical component to blood sugar levels.

Mechanical- Digestive System Chemical-Blood Sugar levels

Rest of the small-I don't know what this means but maybe it is the Third part of the small intestines which is the ileum. The Ileum attaches to the colon.It absords any final nutrients with major absorptive substances being vitamin B12 and Bile acids.

Mechanical-Colon and Small intestines.

Chemical-Nutrients and Absorptive substances. I hope this is right;( I am really sorry if it isn't..I just really wanted to try and help you..Have a fantastic day!<3