
Directions: Read both articles on this worksheet and complete both tasks
Task One: Fill out the Compare and Contrast Chart
Task Two: Complete the paragraph on tone

Article 1:
How Lift Offs Lift Our Spirits

From the 1950s through the 1970s, astronauts were national heroes. Children dreamed of traveling through space. Adults looked to the moon with a sense of national pride. Those days could—and should—return again.

it is not hard to find arguments against space travel. It costs money. It’s dangerous. We have enough problems on our own planet. If the same Americans search their hearts, however, the results are different. Deep within us, we all have similar desires. Space exploration fulfills all these desires.

From the time we are small children we long to know what is in the next room, down the street, or in the next town. We are nomads, wanting to explore. We are detectives, trying to solve a mystery. We are students of life, seeking answers. The space program gives us a chance to be all those things and more. Even if we don’t travel ourselves, the excitement of new discoveries would again feed our thirst for something new.

In the early days of space travel, America had a goal. We wanted to reach space safely and quickly. The country responded spectacularly. Teamwork and creativity reached all-time highs. Students delved deeper into science and math hoping to contribute. Heroes stepped up to bravely accept challenges. We were attempting the impossible and determined to succeed. Think of the amazing things Americans would accomplish if that inspiration returned.

Exploring space reminds us how small and fragile our planet truly is. It encourages collaboration with other countries which helps cultural differences disappear. It can reveal the effects of abusing natural resources. Looking at our Earth from a great distance gives us a unique view of our world and the effect we have upon it.

Exploration of our solar system should continue not for science or power or money, but for the benefit of mankind. It gives us an outlet for our curiosity. It provides inspiration for our souls. It offers a perspective to help understand our place in the universe. The benefits are as vast as space itself.

Article 2:
The Sky Has No Limits

The state of NASA’s space program has been the subject of much speculation in recent years. Debates have raged among members of Congress, business owners, and the general public. the president has expressed his thoughts on numerous occasions as well. The conversations seem to boil down to one question: Do the benefits of space travel outweigh the cost? A logical look at the question makes the answer quite apparent. NASA’s space program is worth preserving at any cost.

Put simply, NASA creates jobs. Jobs, in return, help the economy. A single space project can employ hundreds of workers from high level, top security jobs to lower level, yet important role players. Scientists are assigned to solve problems. Engineers are contracted to build prototypes. Truckers are hired to transport materials. Large corporations are paid for contributions, earning profits so they may hire more employees

The work of NASA also pays huge dividends for the environment. Studying Earth from space provides keen insight into many areas. Scientists monitor the ozone layer. They track the effects of global warming. They study patterns of dangerous storms. They test the possibility of space colonies. All of these activities offer hope to our increasingly overcrowded planet

The work of NASA often leads to advances in technology. Solving the mysteries of space creates solutions that help elsewhere. The Jaws of Life save victims in car accidents. The technology came from NASA research. The artificial heart did, as well. The list goes on. Architects, athletes, and autoworkers have benefited from space-related discoveries. NASA has enhanced everything from shoes to food. You likely come into contact with something improved by NASA nearly every day.

It is impossible to list all the benefits of a thriving space program. It is equally impossible to predict how many new benefits are within our grasp. To find them, we must keep reaching for the stars

Task One:
Now that you have read the two articles, complete the Compare and Contrast Chart. In the TOPIC box, enter the topic of the articles. In the SOURCE boxes, enter the title and author of each article. In the EVIDENCE boxes, enter the specific evidence each author uses to support the topic
Remember to paraphrase the ideas from the text and to write in complete sentences


Source 1

Source 2

Evidence 1

Evidence 1

Evidence 2

Evidence 2

Evidence 3

Evidence 3

Respuesta :


The tone of the author in, How Lift-Offs Lift Our Spirits is passionate.


‘How Lift-Offs Lift Our Spirits’ is an article written by Miranda Sharon where she discusses about the America’s space program and her thoughts regarding space exploration.

If we look at the excerpt provided, we will get to known that the author uses a passionate tone. Although the very first line of the article is saddening, but as the article moves forward we get to known the author’s passion for space program. She have said so many things which shows her passionate tone. For example, when author mentioned about the average American hearts, she was referring the importance of space in the hearts of people. The words ‘desires’, ‘excitement of new discoveries’, ‘inspiration for our souls’ indicates the author’s enthusiastic feelings towards space.