Respuesta :
Sharks should be protected and that should be supported by all countries because the majority of the shark species are keystone species.
There are hunderds of different species of sharks throughout the oceans and seas. They are predators in the vast majority of cases and have a very important role in marine ecosystems. To put it simply, if the sharks go extinct, the marine ecosystems will crumble as we know them and there will be drastic changes in them.
Unfortunately, like many other marine animals, the sharks and their body parts tend to be very popular in a lot of countries around the world, and not having bans in a lot of countries means that they are heavily fished and many species have been driven to the verge of extinction. Considering their huge importance for the ecosystems and the consequences that will emerge with their elimination all countries, including the USA, should fully ban the fishing of sharks and using them as food or using their body parts, or if not a total ban then to be strictly regulated.