One of the most popular rituals involved a procession from Eleuthera to Athens, where worshipers lofted a giant phallus and sang songs called ________________, which (theoretically) eventually evolved into theater. Aristotle and his followers think that sooner or later, a singer stepped out of the dithyramb chorus and started acting out individual characters; this actor was called _________________, and that’s where we get the noun “__________________”. “Tragedy” derives from the Greek words for ___________ and _____________, which may have had to do with ______________________________ made during the festivals. How did Peisistratus unite and strengthen the city of Athens? The job of the _______________ was to assemble the chorus, hire the flute player, and buy the masks or any other set furniture, like a bed or a throne. The _________________ usually did the jobs that we now associate with director, composer, and set designer. What did you find most interesting about the theater structure? Explain why. Tragedy hit its golden age in the 5th century Athens; first, with the works of __________________, then _________________, and __________________. These plays matter to us now because they provide a ________________ for most contemporary drama. Aristotle wrote the ______________, one of the world’s first works of __________________________________. Aristotle’s theory was about _________________, which literally means ________________.
What are the blanks