Respuesta :
You wanted simple, but i dodn't know how simple you wanted so I kept it as simple as possible, don't blame me if theres a bug.
import random
choice = input("Enter Rock(R), Paper(P), or Scissors(S): ")
computer = random.randint(1, 3)
if computer == 1 and choice == "R":
print("Computer played Rock.")
elif computer == 2 and choice == "P":
print("Computer played Paper.")
elif computer == 3 and choice == "S":
print("Computer played Scissors.")
elif computer == 1 and choice == "S":
print("Computer played Rock.")
print("You Lose")
elif computer == 2 and choice == "R":
print("Computer played Paper.")
print("You Lose")
elif computer == 3 and choice == "P":
print("Computer played Scissors.")
print("You Lose")
elif computer == 1 and choice == "P":
print("Computer played Rock.")
print("You Win")
elif computer == 2 and choice == "S":
print("Computer played Paper.")
print("You Win")
elif computer == 3 and choice == "R":
print("Computer played Scissor.")
print("You Win")