Researchers gave participants varying amounts of a new "memory" drug. Then they gave them a story to read, and measured their scores on a quiz. The _____ would be the independent variable (IV), and the _____ would be the dependent variable (DV).

Respuesta :


Independent Variable : Memory Drug

Dependent Variable : Story Quiz Score


In studying cause effect relationship between two relationships :

The causal variable leading to change in effected Variable is the Independent Variable. The effected variable being changed due to causing variable is  the Dependent Variable.

So, studying : 'Memory Drug' impact - on 'Story Retention Quiz Score' implies that Memory Drug is the Independent Variable effecting Story Quiz Score & Story Quiz is the Dependent Variable being affected by Memory Drug.

The correct answer is amount of the drug; quiz scores

Independent variable

  • these variables influence, affect or determine other variables.
  • it is a determining factor, condition or cause for a given result, effect or consequence.
  • it is the factor manipulated by the researcher in order to determine the relationship of the factor with the observed phenomenon, to see what influence it has on a possible result.

Dependent variable

  • they are values ​​(phenomena or facts) to be discovered or explained, by virtue of being influenced, determined or affected by the independent variable.
  • it is the factor that appears, disappears, increases or decreases as the researcher modifies the independent variable;
  • it is the property that or factor that is an effect, result, consequence or response to something that has been manipulated (independent variable).