There has been a lot of talk about the middle class in America shrinking. Many individuals are getting poorer, while a small minority are getting richer. How does this phenomenon impact crime from the perspectives of instrumental theory and structural theory?

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Instrumental theory of criminal law states that the law is the capitalist instrument, that is used to control the lower class.

For the rich to be using a capitalist means to reduce the level of middle class to be poor, that means their intentions is to be able to control the lower class. Which is a criminal act, because the minority which are rich has capitalize the economy.


The structural theory defines crime as the means of supporting or preserving the capitalist structure to control the economy of a state.

This is a crime because, the economy of a state should be owned by the public and not an individual or a minor group of individuals.


Instrumental Theory is a theory about the criteria that make an action rational or irrational. It is not a theory about the reasons for acting (although it is usually accompanied by a theory about the reasons for acting - but that is another story). However, as it is customary to speak of it as "theory of practical reason" and not as "theory of rationality in action", I will follow that custom. But don't be fooled: the instrumental theory of practical reason is not a theory about the reasons for acting.

The instrumental theory of practical reason is a minimalist theory of practical reason (I will explain later why I call it "minimalist"). According to her, a given action X will be irrational if and only if the agent thinks (correctly or incorrectly) that there is another action, let us call it Y, which is also available to him, and that carrying out Y would fulfill his desires more efficiently. than doing X and prefers, however, to do X.

Developed since 1950. Concerned with integrating all the theories of the different schools above and numbered.

The Structuralist School started with the theory of bureaucracy with Max Weber.

Structuralist Theory focuses on the “organizational man”, the person who plays different roles in various organizations.

In the society of organizations, modern and industrialized, the figure of the organizational man who participates in several organizations looms large.