- A good baseball announcer will clarify the complicated rules of the game.
- It is the job of the umpire at home plate to declare whether a pitch is a ball of a strike.
- It’s always nice to find major league players who are modest and do not like to brag about themselves.
- All players yearn to play a hood game. Of course, they want to beat their opponent.
- That is certainly a valid goal, but no team can win all the time, no matter how hard the players try.
- We saw designs of Greek temples in the museum and learned that the arch above the doorways can have a point at the top.
-We also learned that the paintings in the museum are not fake but authentic.
- Many museums offer grants to students that allow them to study how the artworks were made.
- Some students even dig up old graves in ancient cities to learn about people who lived in the past.