explain the style of tribal people in India and explain the government policy or the development of tribal people in India. activity
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Respuesta :

  • Tribal People in India

India has the largest population of tribal people constituting a total of 8.6 percent i.e., 104 million people according to the 2011 census. These tribal people lives along the Himalayas prolonging through Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh in the west and along the north east in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram and Nagaland. Tribal people are basically known as Adivasi, who dwells outside the mainstream of the Indian Hindu and Muslin society generally. Not only adivasi, the tribal people are also called as girijan i.e., hill people, vanavasi i.e., forest dwellers and atavika in India.

  • Government Policy or Development of Tribal People in India

Many amendments have been introduced for the tribal people of India for their development. Government has taken steps for giving opportunities to all the tribal people in the field of education and employment by inventing SC criteria, in which there is a certain percent fixed for tribal people. The Union Government has also take steps to provide guidelines to the administration of Scheduled Areas. Even many more like welfare, scholarships, economic opportunities, and etc measures has been taken for the tribal people as the Constitution of India believes in secularism and equality. And these tribal people are also the citizen of India.