Write a program that inputs the following information from the user, using the Win32 Read-Console function: first name, last name, age, phone number. Redisplay the same information with labels and attractive formating, using Win32 WriteConsule function.

Respuesta :


Following are program using c#

using System;

class detail


 static void Main() // main function


     string first_name,last_name, number1; // variable declaration

     int age1;                             //variable declaration

Console.WriteLine("Enter the First Name  ");

first_name = Console.ReadLine(); // read input by win32

Console.WriteLine("Enter the Last Name  ");

last_name = Console.ReadLine(); // read input by win32

Console.WriteLine("Enter the Age  ");

age1 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // read input by win32

Console.WriteLine("Enter the Phone Number  ");

number1 = Console.ReadLine(); // read input by win32

Console.WriteLine("Following are the data which are  entered  ");

Console.WriteLine("First Name  :"+first_name); // display data

Console.WriteLine("Last Name   :"+last_name); // display data

Console.WriteLine("Age         :"+age1);//display data

Console.WriteLine("Phone Number:"+number1); // display data




In this program we have declared  first_name,last_name, number1 variable as the string type and age1 as integer type after that we are taking input from user by win32 Read console i.e Console.ReadLine()  function and finally printed the same  information.


Enter the First Name


Enter the Last Name


Enter the Age


Enter the Phone Number


Following are the data which are  entered

First Name       :san

Last Name        :lan

Age                   :45

Phone Number :9045454545