In France, during the 1920s, the most prominent representative of the International Style was Le Corbusier, whose famous Villa Savoye (28.35) resembles a low, square box resting on reinforced concrete pillars.
Villa Savoye is a building located in Poissy, on the outskirts of Paris, which was built in 1929 and designed by Le Corbusier, one of the most influential architects of the twentieth century. Villa Savoye is considered as the paradigm of International Architecture and the new way of constructing residential buildings of the twentieth century, as well as the Five Points for a new Architecture developed by Le Corbusier himself, which consist of:
-Building that rests on pilotis (columns) on the ground floor, leaving the surface mostly free to allow the landscape to be autonomous from the building.
-Deck on terrace, on which a garden is situated.
-Free interior space, due to the structure based on pillars and because there are no load-bearing walls, only partitions.
-Facade free of structural elements, so that glazed openings can be multiplied and designed without constraints or impediments.
-Windows running on the facades to get a profuse natural lighting inside (fenêtre en longeur).