Respuesta :
Answer is quite simple that there are only one option which is correct that team should analyzes and asked any alternative if any. Option 2 is correct.
Further Explanation:
If the owner of some project brings some new feature or idea and brings it for the discussion in the meeting then the other members should do that they should completely know why the owner brings this change in the project and what is the advantage of bringing this change if there is no change in the project then what is the need to bring this change hop so that team should check this change.
Checked by the team:
If the team is fully grown to know how this is work and they are able to check it according to their knowledge than they should bring and say something about it. If it is advantageous then the whole team should be with the owner and if it is disadvantageous then do not agree with the hear or the owner and ask him t bring this change in any other kind and make it more Advantageous
Answer Details:
Subject: computer and technology.
Level: High school.
Key Words:
Checked by the team:
For further Evaluation: