Respuesta :
Sample – Incorporating values into physical activity
What it looks like
How to incorporate it
A sense of belonging.
Getting to know one another.
Whanau support inclusiveness
Start each session with name games. Pepeha, Promoting team work.
Encouraging Whanau involvement. Including kuia and koroua.
It is a measurement of peoples ability to extend aroha.
Rangatahi helping each other, Tautoko, coaching, awhi-support, active listening, walking the walk, follow up.
Encourage helping and sharing, provide participants with the best resources and information available, feed them well.
Everyone doing the same thing at the same time.
Encourage unity, play cooperating games where all have to work together and support each other.
Self governance.
Being in control.
Give them the information to support them to make informed choices. Leading the events, negotiating the rules, determining the outcomes.
Sharing of information.
Rangatahi building on their knowledge. learning new information /strategies.
Knowledge, teach the rangatahi the necessary information to be able to participate in Nga Taonga Takaro safely, tools e.g. correct technique for waka or running.
Can see the relevance in learning something and how they can apply it.
Ensure the rules for the games are provided before each event, develop hand outs, provide opportunities for rangatahi to participate at every level of the game, i.e., refereeing, team leader, coaching.
Tuakana / Teina
Older/younger relationships.
Older/senior rangatahi looking after the younger/junior rangatahi.
Experienced helping those less experienced.
Assign older rangatahi responsibility of taking care of others less able in the group.
Rangatahi who are further along in their learning helping those just starting out.
Guard our taonga e.g. traditional Māori takaro, tikanga, natural resources.
Reciprocity (giving back)
Ensure the grounds / facilities are in the same condition or better as when they pick up rubbish, recycle where appropriate.
Genealogy of the rangatahi, the history of the tipuna and the waahi.
Making whanau links in the group.
Mihi / Pepeha, learn and share, whakapapa of taonga takaro, place names, waka, connections.
Spiritual well being.
A sense of wellbeing.
A connection to whenua, ngahere, moana, maunga, awa.
The placing into practice that which is correct.
We would see rangatahi operating within the confines of the rules.
Explain rules, boundaries and consequences. Reward adherence to tikanga.
Encourage rangatahi to do the right thing by providing them with the essential information.
Celebratory feast.
Sharing of kai, Whakawhanaungatanga.
Korero, celebrate achievements in the group. Party without the alcohol.
Paying respect to nga Atua.
Karakia, knowing & respecting the realms of each atua and their roles in our everyday lives.
Learning around Nga Atua Māori and the roles they play in te Ao Māori. How the knowledge can be used practically to connect us to our tupuna, Whenua, etc.
Being aware of individuals different beliefs and respecting those. Sharing karakia.
It is me it is my uniqueness.
It is our life force.