
Read the excerpt from sir Gawain and the green knight and complete the sentence
"The hurt was whole and that he had had in his neck and the bright on his body he bore
These lines from sir Gawain and the green knight refer to the nick on gawains neck as a result of th green knights blow to the green a.gridle b.ribbon c.jacket that he wore as a reminder of his a.glory b.shame c.fame d.pain

Respuesta :

The correct answers are A. girdle and B. shame.

Sir Gawain wore a green girdle (which is practically a belt) around his neck which was given to him by the Green Knight's wife. In the beginning, the girdle represented his strength, but later on it gained the meaning of his shame. He took another man's wife and he dishonored his lord so he started wearing the girdle as a symbol of that.