Choose the meaning of the bold word

1.They reeled, whirled, swiveled, flounced, capered, gamboled, and spun

Gamboled is bold

A. Insult
B. Twists; intricate designs
C. Leapt; frolicked
D. Sharp; pounding

2. He began to think glimmeringly about his abnormal son who was now in jail, about Harrison.

Glimmeringly is bold

A. Beginning
B. Watchfulness; caution
C. Leapt; frolicked
D. Intermittently; unsteadily

3. Stokesie’s married, with two babies chalked up on his fuselage already, but as far as i can tell that’s the only difference.

Fuselage is bold

A. Cental body of an airplane
B. Evil; spiteful
C. Handicaps; obstructions
D. None of the above

Respuesta :

C. Gamboled = Frolicked
D. Glimmeringly = Intermittently
A. Fuselage = Central body of a plane

The meaning of Gamboled is Leapt or Frolicked. Hence the correct answer is C. This exercise has to do with Vocabulary.

What is the definition of the other vocabulary words?

2) the meaning of Glimmeringly is Unsteady. Hence the correct answer is D.

3) the meaning of the word Fuselage is the main part of an Airplane. Hence the correct answer is A.

You can learn to increase your vocabulary by learning new words as you encounter them. The dictionary is very useful for learning new words. Don't forget, practice makes one better.

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