The side-by-side boxplots show the ages of all Oscar winners for Best Actress (females) and Best Actor (males). What percentage of Best Actress winners (among females) lie between Q1 = 28 and Q3 = 41?
  A. 25%
  B. 12%
  C. 50%
  D. 75%

The sidebyside boxplots show the ages of all Oscar winners for Best Actress females and Best Actor males What percentage of Best Actress winners among females l class=

Respuesta :

The first quartile Q1 shows a partition of the first 25% of the data. In the same way the quartile Q3 shows a partition of 75% of the data.

Then, the difference Q3-Q1, also called the interquartile range shows the central 50% of the data.

Therefore the answer is option C:

The percentage of Best Actress winners (among women) between Q1 = 28 and Q3 = 41 is 50%.